Промпт фотографии дикой природы крупным планом - генерация нейросетями на русском и английском языке | готовый промпт для ИИ
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Wildlife Photography, Close-up of [объект/описание], ground level angle to highlight their pure and gentle nature, National Geographic photography, photographed with a Nikon D850 DSLR, natural lighting, vibrant colors

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Фотография дикой природы, крупный план [объект/описание], ракурс на уровне земли, чтобы подчеркнуть их чистую и нежную природу, фотография National Geographic, снято на зеркальную фотокамеру Nikon D850, естественное освещение, яркие цвета

Результаты выполнения промпта или варианты промптов

Wildlife Photography, Close-up of [colorful parrots chattering in the tropical canopy], ground level angle to highlight their pure and gentle nature, National Geographic photography, photographed with a Nikon D850 DSLR, natural lighting, vibrant colors

Wildlife Photography, Close-up of [fluffy white baby seals with wide, innocent eyes on a snowy landscape], ground level angle to highlight their pure and gentle nature, National Geographic photography, photographed with a Nikon D850 DSLR, natural lighting, vibrant colors

Wildlife Photography, Close-up of [newborn fawns lying in a meadow, dappled sunlight filtering through the trees], ground level angle to highlight their pure and gentle nature, National Geographic photography, photographed with a Nikon D850 DSLR, natural lighting, vibrant colors

Wildlife Photography, Close-up of [playful lion cubs beneath the savanna's morning rays], ground level angle to highlight their pure and gentle nature, National Geographic photography, photographed with a Nikon D850 DSLR, natural lighting, vibrant colors

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